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Rename documents from OpenSign™ Drive

The OpenSign™ Drive interface allows users to rename their documents efficiently.


Overview of User Interface

  • Toolbar at the top: Includes options to add a new document (+ icon), sort documents by date, and change the view layout (grid or list view).
  • Document and Folder Grid: Displays documents and folders as icons with titles. PDF documents are clearly indicated with a red PDF logo.
  • Status Indicators: Some documents have colored status labels such as blue (with a lock icon) indicating a secure document, and green (with a checkmark) suggesting completed or signed documents.
  • Selected Document Preview: When a document is selected, a preview pane appears at the bottom, showing details like Title, Status, Created Date, and Signers involved.

Renaming a Document

To rename a document in OpenSign™ Drive, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Document: Hover on the document you wish to rename. The document will be highlighted and its details will be displayed in the preview pane.
  2. Access Rename Option: Right-click on the selected document to open the context menu and select the 'Rename' option.
  3. Edit the Title: Enter the new name for the document in the provided field.
  4. Save Changes: Press 'Enter' to apply the new name to the document.